Misty & Lisa Gabrielson. Photo courtesy the Gabrielsons
Okay, we give up. Who’s driving? The blonde with the black nose or the brunette with the sunglasses? But then again, does it really matter? After all, it’s a beautiful day on the water in Southeast Harbor, Deer Isle, and that’s a Pulsifer Hampton launch, and you know the type—no matter who is at the wheel, a Hampton can just about take care of itself. Here are the particulars:
» The boat—
Eastern Mark, 30 years old.
» The brunette—Lisa, 19 years old, daughter of the boat’s owners, Mark and Betsy Gabrielson of Deer Isle.
» The blonde—Misty, 5 years old, golden retriever, “without a doubt the family’s best lookout for seals, birds, and lobster pot buoys.”
We’d like to see your Boatyard Dog®! Send photo and details to BYD, P.O. Box 566, Rockland, ME 04841, or
click here to contact us through our website. As part of a collaboration with the folks at
The Bark magazine, Misty and her people will receive a free one-year subscription and a personalized copy of the book
DogJoy. The Bark will be the media sponsor for the World Championship Boatyard Dog Trials held on Sunday morning during the Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show, August 12-14, 2011. It’s a wild and zany event—details at maineboats.com. (Sorry, no pets allowed on show grounds.)