Wilson & Gilmore
Wilson is a six-month-old silver Lab who is learning the ropes to be a boat dog and help his “dad” Baren Yurchick in the shop AND at sea, lobstering in the Kimberly Alison out of Stonington, Maine. Already weighing in at 60 pounds, Wilson is going to be one big dog, all the better to haul those heavy traps. When Baren goes fishing offshore in the winter, Wilson stays behind and helps keep the home fires burning for his other parent, Kim Yurchick.
Gilmore is a three-year-old terrier-Chihuahua mix. Rescued from a shelter in Ft. Worth, Texas, this lucky pooch now splits his time between Damariscotta, Maine, and the Chesapeake Bay region. When in Maine, Gilmore enjoys sailing on a 20-foot O’Day (he always wears his snappy red lifejacket) as well as kayaking with his family. A regular passenger on the Hardy Boat ferry to Monhegan, Gilmore is always up for saying hello. And he’s happy to greet familiar locals and visiting tourists alike. Gilmore also likes to fly—did we mention this dog’s luck?—and takes to the skies with his family in a vintage 1950 Cessna 170.
Do you have a dog that helps on your boat or accompanies you alongshore? We’d like to see your water-friendly canine. Email a clear photo and pertinent details to editor@maineboats.com or mail it to Boatyard Dog, P.O. Box 566, Rockland, ME 04841.