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Keeping it simple with the handsome Maggie-Ann

Peter Buxton launches the Maggie-Ann, a traditional wood lobsterboat, for a Port Clyde owner.

Two Irish Designs Launched by the Apprenticeshop

The Apprenticeshop in Rockland launched two racing one-designs for an Irish sailor.

The Southport 38 FE Is the Talk of the Dock

Southport Boats launches its biggest center console yet, the 38 FE.

3D on the Beach

A Portland area start-up company makes 3D surfboards out of recycled fishing nets.

The Schooner Hindu Sails Again

The extensive refit couldn’t begin until Rowan and Desmond built a timber-frame shop large enough to accommodate the project.

John’s Bay Boat Company

The 44-foot cruiser Vigilant is the latest vessel to be launched by Peter Kass and the crew at John’s Bay Boat Company.

MJM Makes Performance a Priority

MJM describes its new 42-foot Express Cruiser as a Carolina Downeast-style poweryacht.

New Dark Harbor 20s

Lyman-Morse updates Islesboro’s Dark Harbor 20 fleet with three composite hulls.

Matinicus Ferry Honors Penobscot Nation War Hero

The newly launched Matinicus ferry honors a decorated veteran and member of the Penobscot Nation.

Wisp: A Timely Launch

Artisan Boatworks wraps up construction of the Spirit of Tradition Wisp in record time.

Solar-Power Catamaran Takes Shape at Front Street Shipyard

Front Street Shipyard builds a sun-powered prototype catamaran.

A Home-Built Canoe Sows Seeds of Adventures

With help from family and friends, a fledgling boatbuilder pieces together a strip-planked canoe.

Wheeler Launches an Inspired Head-Turner in Brooklin

Wheeler Yachts draws on its Brooklyn, New York, heritage to launch a new model built by Brooklin Boat Yard in Maine

Marine School Lands a New President

New leadership at The Landing School in Arundel

A Stonington Sea Captain’s Legacy

Attic treasures provide a new glimpse into the life of a Stonington sea captain