Captain Caleb extends a challenge to all Boatyard Dogs. Photo by Kip Boetsch
Captain Caleb loves to be on the water when he’s not in it. Here, he is on a training ride aboard the ferry from Rockland to Vinalhaven on a chilly winter day (that’s Rockland Harbor light in the background). Cold-weather ferry rides are just a small part of his training ritual for the upcoming Sixth Annual World Championship Boatyard Dog® Trials, to be held on August 10 in Rockland as part of the MAINE BOATS, HOMES & HARBORS SHOW (August 8-10, 2008).
Caleb asked us to publish this challenge to all dogs who read Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors (and what proper canine doesn’t?): “Begin your training regimen now, or face certain defeat at the trials in August.”
To vie for a slot in the competition, send a photograph and a letter that states why you should be invited to participate (Caleb recommends that you ask your people to help you—it will make ’em feel useful). Extra points will be given for humor. Note: ONLY pre-qualified dogs are allowed on the show grounds; please leave your pets at home. Contestants will be notified in July. Send to: BYD Trials, P.O. Box 758, Camden, ME 04843. Details are available in the Show section found in the menu to the left.
We’d all like to see your Boatyard Dog® (okay, or cat) too. Send a clear photo and
pertinent details to BYD, P.O. Box 758, Camden, ME 04843 or
We’d all like to see your Boatyard Dog® (okay, or cat) too. Send a clear photo and pertinent details to BYD, P.O. Box 758, Camden, ME 04843 or