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The Small Reach Regatta

Owners of trailerable boats flock to Maine’s Small Reach Regatta each summer.

The Small-Boat Water Tribe

Since 1984, shoal-draft boat adventurers have gathered on the beach at Atsena Otie Key for the Cedar Key small-boat meet. It’s a friendly mix of vagabond sailors.

Boat Recycler

Boat recycler Jim Harkins find value in old marine parts, fittings, and even fiberglass hulls.

Rosie the Modern-Day Riveter

The number of women working in marine trades has jumped in recent years as gender norms have shifted in the traditionally male-dominated field.

New Owners Chart the Future at Derecktor Robinhood

New owners and a new name start a new chapter for Derecktor Robinhood in Georgetown.

Get Sailing!

A few easy rigging adjustments can make sailing so much easier.

True O(a)r Not?

Could oars have been invented by a fisherman who no longer wanted to swim out to his boat?

Early Spring on the Water

Cast aside the winter blues and go rowing!

First Boats

Our first boat holds a special place in our heart. Bruce Lewis’s was a Century Palomino.

Travels with Raven

Photographer Peter Ralston’s sturdy 37’ Repco cruiser Raven has taken him where he has needed to go, spiritually as well as physically, for decades.

Atlantic Class Sloops

Atlantic Class sloops are still thrilling sailors after all these years.

A Tale of Two Tough Tugboats

Back in the days of log drives on lakes and rivers, tugs played a key role, towing acres of wood.

Wives, mothers, and skippers

For two women who lobster professionally, it was time to upgrade to bigger boats.

On the Working Waterfront: A Big Year of BIG BOATS

Maine lobstermen are ordering ever bigger and faster boats as they chase their catch farther offshore.

A Design Reborn

The Dark Harbor Tender was fast, pretty, and seaworthy—all reasons for reviving the design