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Stories about new launches along the coast. Search for boats by name or yard, or just browse through our stories about boat built along the shores of the Gulf of Maine.

Ready, Set, Drill…

What is the Cordless Canoe Challenge?

Launch of Blackjack

The launch of the restored Friendship sloop Blackjack included a team of oxen.

Downeast Outboard Express Cruiser

MJM has introduced what founder Bob Johnstone calls the first-ever outboard express cruiser with downeast styling.

Redfern Boat’s Newest Launch Rides the Rails

Redfern Boat’s Carlton Johnson built a luxurious custom trolley using high-end yacht construction techniques.

Hybrid Design Combines the Best of Wood and Plastic

Boatbuilder Richard Stanley’s newest boat is a hybrid that combines the best of wood and fiberglass.

Lady Erin: A Workboat with Yacht Style

This owner wanted his new boat to look like a workboat, but work like a yacht.

Anna: A 65' Cold-Molded Sloop

Lyman-Morse’s latest is a 65’ cold-molded sloop.

On the Working Waterfront: A Big Year of BIG BOATS

Maine lobstermen are ordering ever bigger and faster boats as they chase their catch farther offshore.

John's Bay Boat Company Launches "Rhum"

John's Bay Boat Co. launches new powerboat "Rhum"

Yacht Tender

A power tender under construction at Artisan Boatworks was inspired by a Herreshoff classic.

Shanty Cat

The 28-foot-long Shanty Cat features a small house on a stable catamaran hull.

Hamlin’s Marine: Edendriver 17

Hamlin Marine’s new Edendriver 17 combines practical downeast character with South Carolina elegance.

Front Street Shipyard: Berilda

Front Street Shipyard's extensive makeover of the 126-foot Feadship Berilda brought modern touches to the classic superyacht.

Maine Cat Catamarans: Maine Cat 38

Maine Cat’s latest catamaran is light and strong at 38 feet, thanks to the company’s unique thermoformed-core build process.

Wesmac Custom Boats: Otter

Wesmac Custom Boats of Surry built a new lobsteryacht to be used as a ferry between Isle au Haut and Stonington.